Endoscopic examination done by the University of Florida.
Picture of a client’s horse that had an Endoscopic examination done by the University of Florida.
The horse was diagnosed with gastric ulcers.The horse’s feeding program was changed and the horse began treatment with Gastrofor.
The picture is of the same horse after being treated with Gastrofor for 35 days. You can see the healing process has definitely begun to take place.
The picture is of the same horse with a completely healed stomach. The only product used was Gastrofor.
At this point, the horse was back in full training, had not been treated for approximately 60 days, and continued to be free of gastric ulcers
The first symptom of stomach problems starts most often in the right side.
After the horse develop a stomach ulcer the symptoms become more noticable.
Research shows that very yang foals have symptoms of, or have develop gastric ulcers. The foal is often feed with pellets and that type of feeding starts an allergic reaction and different kind of symptoms starts.
Also, the foal can show symptoms of thyroid problems and a reduced immune defense system. The foal may also react very badly to vaccinations because of reduced immune defense system.
How to Treat Ulcers and what Product to Use
Feed Your Horse GASTROFOR
Fixed head
-draws leg forward, upward
-extends shoulder joint
Fixed leg
-bends neck forward
-bends head and neck sideways
-extends head
-extends elbow
-in bilateral action extends neck
-in unilateral action bends -neck laterally and rotates it
Pars cervicalis
-draws limb cranial
-draws limb caudally and abducts it
Pars thoracic
draws scapula caudally and abducts it
- elevates neck (fixed leg)
Joint action
- draws scapula forward and upward
-extends elbow joint
- flexes shoulder joint
- fixates elbow joint
Important extension muscle.
-extends elbow joint
-flexes shoulder joint
The only product used was
These active substances combine to bring a quick reaction to the hyper-active production of gastric acid. Many of our customers report that they can see the horse’s improved condition after 3 days.